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Help tags

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1.Help tags

Hello, you have probably just created a hypertext base of the "mentor" system following the installation of the utags module.
at the end of the database creation script, gvim is launched to edit this help file.
gvim is the foundation on which utags is based to provide a hypertext editing and management system.
If you are not familiar with gvim, start by consulting . aide vim .

. aide vim  is the reference of a mentor hypertext tag that leads you to the vim help file.
To access it either type the command ":ta aide_vim" and do enter or place the text cursor on the reference . aide vim  type shift-$ which will open a new tab on the help file.
Now you need to learn how to use the tool through:

  • of . commandes et macro commandes de navigation dans l'hypertexte 
  • the . présentation de la forme de l'hypertexte 
  • the structure of the . langage de balisage leger mentor  which is the structure of this text.

    - the . la méthodologie mentor d Ã©dition hypertexte  - the . modes de recherche dans l'hypertexte  - of . macro commandes d edition de l'hypertexte  - of . macro commandes de generation de l'hypertexte  - of the . pilotage de la generation de l'hypertexte  - of . systemes de sauvegarde des domaines et des fichiers  Subsequently a second important component will be available in the mentor system : . module tableur base de donnee relationnelle et applications 

    2.. commandes et macro commandes de navigation dans l'hypertexte : and presentation of the hypertext form

    The vim editor has a hypertext navigation function which can be broken down into commands : - in command line mode you can access a label (tag) "summary" for example by the command: :your summary - a variant is : :sta summary that splits the window before navigation.

  • there is a return command : :in. which brings you back to the initial position.
  • the command ta without argument moves you forward in the navigation tree :you can browse the navigation tree by sequences of these two commands.
  • the navigation tree can be viewed with the command: :tags - a navigation between text buffers that is not a hypertext navigation is the command: :e# which goes into the previous buffer (switch so if we repeat it).
    This is useful if you want to switch between two files without changing the hypertext navigation tree.
  • in order to facilitate navigation these commands have been mapped (order :map) on the function keys from F5 to F8 : (the command ":map" allows you to map a sequence of control characteristics into another...
    simpler mentor approach uses mappings starting with the " character.commands and macro commands for hypertext navigation)

    2.1.Navigation function key table

    F5  tags  display the stack of the browsed labels (tags'stack) 
    F6  po  go up one label in the stack  
    F7  ta  advance a label in the stack  
    F8  e#  switch between two text buffers  

  • and . mode commande vi  the cursor must be on the hypertext reference for example: sommaire_en (hypertext reference for the . langage de balisage leger mentor navigation function key table).

  • the key for navigation is "ctrl-.]" on a qwerty keyboard and ctrl-altgr-] on an azerty which is more complicated and which we have emulated on altgr-$ (the $ being in azerty at the same place as the ] in qwerty and altgr-$ is actually the "¤" character) this command goes to the label referred to, in the same window.
    so it's the equivalent of the command ":your label" but without having to type the label on the keyboard.
    altgr-$ launches the macro ggt_en (in command mode type ")

  • the "µ" key searches for the label by making a horizontal split of the window it is therefore the equivalent of the command ":sta etiquette". µ launches the macro ght_en (in command mode type " the macro gvt_en makes a vertical spit of the window it is mapped to the "§" key which is not used by vi.
  • the shift-$ key corresponding to the "£" character hypertext navigation but opening a new tab.
    £ launches the macro gnt (in command mode type ")
  • the movement between tabs is done by the following commands:

  • . présentation de la forme de l'hypertexte 

    2.2.Text block texte_structuré_en

    The text block is the structure under which a text is stored.
    It is composed of four types of elements delimited by pairs of delimiters < >, ( ), { } and [ ]

  • a hypertext label or tag put between the delimiters "<" et ">", said . étiquette mentor  .
    which can only contain alphanumeric characters with the underscore "_" as separator - a possible . résumé de bloc  or . commentaire mentor  put in brackets "( )",
  • the text itself enclosed in braces "{}" which is the text block itself.
  • hypertext references of the form text labels that are used to highlight the text contained in the text blocks 2.2.1.Bloc structurel

    So we have a general form:

    <etiquette_de_bloc_en>(title) [reference_en]
    ... [reference_en] ...
    <etiquette_de_sous_bloc_en>(sub block label)
    ... [reference_en] ...
    ... <etiquette_dans_texte_en> ...
    ... [reference_en] ...

    which can therefore be nested: A text block can contain other text blocks.
    A particular block is the block of the whole file whose label line contains:

  • the file name label - the file title - a reference to the file summary.
    The form of the file label is therefore 2.2.2.Label in text .
  • for example for a file named filename.
    ext on a :
    <nomfichier_extension_en>(file title)[nomfichier_extension_en_som]
    the macro to generate this line is fnt for a text file.
    There are other macros.

    3.Mentor areas

  • the files in the database are referenced in files named domain, with extension .dom
  • the root domain so root.dom is the lowest level domain domaine racine  as its name indicates.
  • the domain contains the list of paths to files and possibly to subdomains.
  • a sub-domain is characterized by the @ character preceding the domain path so utags will know to parse this file as a domain.
  • this forms a hierarchical tree whose branches are the domains and leaves the files.
    inside the files this tree continues through the nesting of the blocks of text grace to the block label.
  • to add your files to the mentor database, it is recommended to create one or more domains in the root_domain and edit its files by adding your.
    This can be done automatically by a shell command, example on unix:
    !!find . -name *.* -print
    ou sous windows:
    !!dir /b /b /l /s *.*

    4.A little tour in the hypertext

  • utags generates a summary file when it parses a file the summary extension is ".som" the name of the summary of the current file is aide_utags_txh.som
  • for the current file the label is aide_utags_txh_en_som and is found as seen on the first line of the file
  • the macro to access directly to the summary is gsf
  • once in the summary choose a label to return to the file by altgr-$ (but it will be included in the navigation tree)
  • or type this macro to access the summary and then press F6 to return to this file or F8 if you want to switch easily in the file and its summary.
  • utags also generates a general summary for all files in the database, to access it use the macro gsg
  • the general summary is composed of text blocks whose labels are the fields and whose blocks are composed of the list of files or subdomains of the domain.
    That is, these blocks are the summaries of the domains.
  • the first reference in a domain block is a link to the domain file itself.
  • if you navigate through this domain file reference for example domaine utags  you will see the list of file paths. Ignore the "CSV" lines that make part of the next mentor module that processes structured data (data tables) the utags module handling the so-called "unstructured" data, i.e. text but to which the . langage de balisage leger mentor  gives a structure.

  • you can navigate at will in the hypertext and return to your starting point with the F6 key and go back to the navigation tree with the F7 key

  • with all these moves you may need to store a specific position in a file to come back to it directly.
    You can use a branded vi command for this : mp for example to mark with the letter "p" the position of the current line and find it again after moving it in the file with the command 'p

  • utags when it scans the domain tree, generates a number of :

  • the most important file is the tags file named "utags" to which we can access by typing the command ":your tags" or the macro gut (from now on we will no longer specify in the text for a macro mentor the ".
  • the utags file has the structure of a tags file as generated by the unix ctags command for C language sources.
  • you can search for the location of a label in the utags file with the macro frt.

  • the "tree file.txt" which can be accessed with the command gag (no it's not a joke).
    In this file you can see the whole tree of domains with its leaves, the files, i.e. we see both for a file, the mentor path and the file system path.
    So utags provides another way to access and organize your files.
    A double hierarchy.
  • the "source file.txt" accessed by gas which is the result of a particular utags command that will only handle a particular domain or file instead of the whole domain domaine racine .

  • the "urefs" file is also very important, it is about cross-references, i.e.
    the list of files where a reference is quoted in a text.
    If you are on a label, the macro frr allows to find where this label is used, which is convenient if you want to remove it to keep the hypetext consistent.
    It is logical to delete its references as well.
    To access the urefs file without doing a search : ":ta refs"

    5.The methodology of hypertext editing mentor

  • the knowledge that one has about an information also depends on the way in which it has been inserted into the hypertext.
  • for this reason, special attention must be paid to the scope for editing the label to retrieve the information.
  • by information we mean the text block of a block label or the neighborhood of a label in a text.
  • we will logically choose the key words that characterize this information to form the label.
  • a method also used to form this label is to use a nomenclature ofinfixe_en which are three-letter codes
  • this nomenclature is proposed but you can extend or replace it according to your needs.
    The important thing is to use a nomenclature because it allows you to categorize the information which will be easier to find because the number of infixes is limited.

    6.Search modes in hypertext

  • there are several levels to reach an information in the hypertext according to the knowledge that one has of this information.
  • if you know the label completely then the easiest way is to type the order : ":your label"
  • then you can use either the general summary gsg if you are looking for a file or the file utags gut if you are looking for a block of text.
  • then just go to the file and do a vi search with the command "/chain/" followed by enter
  • the character string can be a . expression régulière  which allows a flexible search on syntactic elements.
    for example in the utags file the search: /order.*buffer/ will place you on the label . commande de gestion de buffer vi 
  • fdr
  • domain search function - performs a full-text search of all files in a domain it uses the program nomfic which creates the list of files of a domain by recursively taking into account the subdomains.

    NOTE FOR DEVELOPERS : this document containing links to the sources of vim macro files or perl scripts are an example how to link your sources and your technical specification documents by putting labels in the comments, making lettered programming easy.
    Also the summary of the file (gsfsearch modes in hypertext) will give you a global view of your sources and links to access to the code you are interested in. Example with the perl program to generate html pages : mt_to_htm_pl_en_som ( Program can be improved - evolution in future versions, like including "inside html" in the source document in order to benefit from the style modes in hypertext) These functions give a practical solution to the eternal problem of mismatch between code and documentation.
    With the mentor methodology, documentation is a code like any other.

    7.Macro commandes d edition de l hypertexte

  • Macro commands for easy editing of the hypertext form are provided :

    7.1.. tableau des macro commandes d'edition : for the mentor lightweight markup language

    macromnemonic  comment  
    ebia  Edition Bloc Insertion Accolades  inserts a block of braces  
    ebai  Editing Parenthesis Reversal Blockinserts braces in order to split a block  
    ebtb  Edition Bloc Tag Build  creates a . bloc structurel  complete by leaving in edition on the label  
    ebma  Edition Bloc Mise En Accolades  braces a line block selected by F3-F4  
    ebmp  Editing Block Parenthesis  puts in brackets a line block selected by F3-F4  
    ebm_  Editing Silent Blocking  there is a series of macro ebm whose last letter is . modifieur de bloc   
    etft  Edition Tab Fichier Texts  there is a series of macro andf macro vim etf  whose last letter is the type of the source file

    7.2.Macro commands for generating hypertext

  • these macros launch, with several options, the utags program that analyzes files in the domain tree.
  • they are mapped to the function keys F11 Shift-F11 Alt-F11 Ctrl-F11 and Ctrl-Shift-F11.

    7.2.1.Table of macro commands for generating hypertext

    macromnemonic  comment  
    ub  UTags Base  launches utags for a scan of files modified since the last scan on the whole database (racine.dom) 
    ud  Utags Domaine  launches utags for a scan of modified files in the current domain  
    uf  Utags fichier  launches utags for the analysis of the current file  
    F11  ub racine.dom  shortcut ut  
    M-F11  ud racine.general domshortcut ug  
    C-F11  uf file  shortcut uf  

  • the most regularly used command will certainly be C-F11.
    When you edit a document by creating labels and references, you will use this command after saving your changes to update the utags database with new labels and the urefs database with new references.

    NOTE : The commands described here can be found in the Utags menu of the gvim menu bar.
    This menu has been designed to provide quick access to help in remembering commands.
    NOTE : these commands and the mentor light markup language are the only things you need to know to have a powerful textual information management tool that if you integrate it to serve you consistently and for a long time to keep and use almost all your useful information.

    8.Control of the generation of hypertext

  • the file extensio_lst_en contains a table of known file extensions and their properties used by the utags program
  • the file /home/minage/Documents/mt/ht/ref_abs.txt lists the references that do not have corresponding labels.
  • the file utags_par_en parameters controlling the operation of the utags program

    9.Domain and file backup systems

    In the Utags menu there is a submenu "Exploitation" that allows you to save or archive an entire domain and also to archive successive versions of files.

  • The menu item EnterNameDomain allows you to enter the value of the environment variable.
  • The label DisplayCurrentDomain displays the value of this variable.

  • Then we find the wording Domain.Export which calls the macro fdex which in turn calls the script archive_domaine_en which creates an archive file with the "tar" command and copies it to the backup media defined by the ARCHISUPP in a directory with the name of the mentor database ARCHIDIR.

  • The wording Option.IncrementArchiveDomain tells archive domaine sh that the archive name must include an incremental number in order to realize successive archives. example "", ""

  • Then comes a File submenu with the following labels:

    10.Relational database module and applications

    NOTE : structured data management will be proposed soon.
    This new module is the integration of spreadsheet and RDBMS functions (relational database management system).
    It is implemented through text blocks of the CSV type whose labels are the names of the RDBMS tables.
    A scripting language will also be integrated into this module to program this data.
    allowing you to quickly realize applications of any kind.
    Particular example of realization : generation of a proteody musical score from the FASTA code of a protein :


    http://quantum.alwaysdata. net/phenylalanine_ammonia_lyase_1_pisum_sativum_sti_part_txh.htm