readme utags en readme_utags_txh_en_som Startup documentation file for the mentor utags module

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date of creation : 20230330- date of update : 20230330- generation date : 20250203_123633

 Welcome to the instructions for installing utags and a mentor base.

- to install the utags package, download the debian package utags_v1_0_64b_deb in a directory by going to the chosen directory and running the command :


- execute the following command in this directory : sudo gdebi utags_v1_0_64b.deb

- this will install the package in the /opt/utags directory - link the utags executable in /usr/bin - will add at the end of the /etc/vim/local file.vimrc calling the utags setting (the file will be created if it does not exist which is the default case).
- then go to the /opt/utags directory to run the create_base - the default name of the database is "mt" for mentor but you can change it by editing a /home/minage/utags file.prf with the following command for example: export BASE_NAME=moto - then issue the command

. ./

- a few lines of execution trace will be displayed - then gvim will be launched on the help file which will teach you to use utags as well as the lightweight markup language mentor.
This will allow you to manage all your text files of any kind source code including in a hypertext editing system.